Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Film

The last time that I really felt like hypnotized by a film, was when I see “Avatar”, because this film is very interesting, and I saw the film in 3D. The advantage of see films in 3D is that you can enjoy the specials effects very well. In Avatar the effects in 3D are very good, I love this film!
I think that the base for judge a film is the screen, the production and the novelty of the film. In first, I judge the screen because the history of the film is very important for keep (or not) the attention and the interest in the movie. Second, the productions of the film show the stage in where the history develops; a good production makes a good movie, because improvement the history. Finally, for judge a film, the novelty of the film is important because can (or not) attract to the public.

In the first place, the film industry depends on several factors, like the money, the productions, the type of film, and other things. However, I don´t know lot about the film industry, because I don´t have a formed opinion in this issue.

Second, I think that the first in a film is the story, because when I remember the movies I remember first the story and second the specials effects. In other words, A good story doesn’t specials effects, because captive for your screen, and may have a good specials effects, but without a good story, these effects lost.

Finally, I think that in the film the producer and the director are very important, together all the people that working in the realization of the film. I don´t know the work of the producer nor the director, but I know that the director always takes the congratulations or the critics about in the movies. I don´t could say who is the most important.

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